
How to use GitHub Actions to deploy Hugo sites

software tools


I have created a new GitHub Action that deploys to S3 using a configured deployment target in Hugo. Additional information about Hugo deployments is available in the official documentation.

Twilio Hackathon - COVID-19 Peak Detector

hackathon software


I’m taking part in the Twilio x Hackathon and this is my project. I’ll show here how I built it and how it works. Keep reading if you want to know more.

Deploying a Static Website with S3, Route 53 and CloudFront

software tools


Today I’ll show you how to deploy your static website to S3, and how you can configure a custom domain with Route 53 and enable HTTPS (why wouldn’t you) with CloudFront. Keep reading to find out more!

Creating a Hugo Theme From Scratch

software tools


In this post I will show you how to build a minimalist theme for Hugo.

A Pragmatic Approach to System Design

software design


Designing a new system is not an easy task. In this post I will introduce a pragmatic approach to system design that will help you tackle any system in a repeatable and consistent way.